WEN Tiejun

Prof. Dr. WEN Tiejun 温铁军

Executive Dean, Institute of Advanced Studies for Sustainability, Renmin University of China
Executive Dean, Institute of Rural Reconstruction of China, Southwestern University of China



Tiejun WEN is a renowned expert on social-economic sustainable development and rural issues, especially in policy studies, macro-economic, geo-strategy of south-south cooperatives, and long-term inclusive growth.

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Wen, who also is executive dean of China’s Institute of Rural Reconstruction of China, Southwest University, focuses particularly on policy studies, macro-economic, geo-strategy of south-south cooperatives, and long-term inclusive growth.
He is member of State Consultant Committee of Environment Protection, and is vice chairperson of the China Society of Agricultural Economics. Wen has received numerous honors and awards, including the First Rank Award for Science and Technology Progress from the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and the First Rank Award for Teaching and Education cialis kopen from the Beijing Municipal Government.
Wen Tiejun is author of the influential best-selling work on the agrarian crisis in China. As Executive Secretary General of the Chinese Society for Restructuring the Economic System, he is leading China’s grassroots efforts to revive rural communities and economies. As agricultural economist Wen Tiejun won his fame last year not as a theory maker, but as the creator of China’s first free farmer’s training centre – the Yanyangchu Countryside Construction Institute in Hebei Province.
In 2004, China Business Weekly named Wen one of the top ten “movers and shakers in China’s economy.”


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