Cecilia FAN


Cecilia FANCo-founder and Publisher of China Higher Education.


Cecilia is a Co-Founder and Managing Consultant of the Beijing Consulting Group and Co-founder and Publisher of China Higher Education. She holds an MBA from Mt. Eliza Business School (currently Melbourne Business School) and a Master of Applied Finance degree from the joint Tsinghua University / Macquarie University program.

With over 20 years of consulting experience, her clients include fortune 200 companies, education institutions, NGOs, Government departments, as well as SMEs from Australia, Zealand, the US, UK and Europe.

Cecilia was a columnist for a leading Australia-China business magazine for 7 years, and currently also works as a business and culture freelance trainer for Asialink Business at the University of Melbourne.

Cecilia is a regular contributor and speaker at major international education conferences on China education issues. She is also a convenor for an NGO, the Australia China Alumni Association and serves on the International committee of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority, Australia.

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