Researchers’ Night 3.0 – Spring 2014

The ThinkIN China team, EURAXESS Links China,
the European University Centre at Peking University,
and the Understanding Science team
are delighted to invite you to the third edition of Researchers’ Night, which this year will take place both in BEIJING (May 7th) and SHANGHAI (May 15th).

In a relaxed atmosphere, you will have a chance to meet fellow researchers working on similar topics and reach out to new contacts among the international research community in Beijing.
The free event is open to Ph.D. students, postdocs and senior researchers from all fields. Drinks and food on the house!

For the BEIJING EVENT Please register before Sunday, May 4th.
For the SHANGHAI EVENT Please register before Monday, May 12th.

You can scan the QR code in the flyers or following these link beijing | shanghai



BEIJING: May 7th, 2014 (Wed) 7pm
Bridge Café – Rm 8, Bldg 12, Chengfu Lu

SHANGHAI: May 15th, 2014 (Thu) 7pm
Kaiba Bar – 739 Ding Xi Lu, Shanghai, China
上海开巴,定西路 739号

Researchers'Night_Shanghai  Researchers'Night_Beijing