The Korean Asian Institute for Policy Studies recently published a volume edited by Gilbert
Rozman “China’s Foreign Policy: Who Makes It, and How Is It Made?”.
Here are three chapters that our guest suggested to be especially enlightening:
Thomas Christensen, “More actors, less coordination? New challenges for the leaders of
a rising China”. Avery Goldstein, “China’s foreign policy and the leadership transition:
prospects for change under the fifth generation”. Shin Jung-Seung, “Another take on
prospects for the foreign policy of the chinese fifth generation leadership.”
Regarding China’s prospects for democratization, Journal of Democracy has a special issue
on this topic: Francis Fukuyama, “The Patterns of History,” Journal of Democracy, 2012, 23:1,
14-26. Minxin Pei, “Is CCP Rule Fragile or Resilient?” Journal of Democracy, 2012, 23:1, 27-41.
For a Chinese perspective, see a piece by a professor from Macau University: Liu Yu and
Chen Dingding, “Why China Will Democratize,” Washington Quarterly, 2012, 35:1, 41-63.