#05 – reading list

event #05
December, 28 2010

Chinese independent cinema


Supplementary Materials

by Tyra Diez

Edoardo Gagliardi


  1. Paul G. Pickowicz & Yingjin Zhang (ed.), From Underground To Independent Alternative Film Culture in Contemporary China, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006
  2. Zhang Zhen, The Urban Generation Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the Twentyfirst Century, Duke University Press, 2007
  3. Paola Voci, China on Video, Routledge, 2010
  4. Chris Berry , Lu Xinyu & Lisa Rofel, The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement: The Public Record,
    Hong Kong University Press, 2010
  5. BERRY,Ch., Getting Real: Chinese Documentary, Chinese Postsocialism,
  6. ZHANG ZHEN (ed.),TheUrban Generation. Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the TwentyFirst Century, Durham:Duke UP, 2007, pp.115‐136
  7. DAI JINHUA, Cinema and Desire: Feminist Marxism and Cultural Politics in the work of Dai Jinhua,
    Londres: Verso, 2002
  8. LU XINYU, Jilu Zhongguo: Zhongguo xin jilupian yundong, Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2003
  9. LU XINYU, Ruins of the Future: Class and History in Wang Bing Tiexi District, New Left Review, 2005, pp. 125‐136
  10. PERNIN, Judith, Filming Space/Mapping Reality in Chinese Independent Documentary Films, 2003, in
  11. Oxhide , by Liu Jiayin
  12. West of the Tracks , by Wang Bin
  13. Taking Father Home, by Ying Liang
  14. Bumming in Beijing, by Wu Wenguang, 1990
  15. Tiananmen Square, by SWYC, 1991
  16. I´ve graduted, Shi Jian, by SWYC, 1992
  17. The other shore, by Jiang Yue, 1995
  18. 1966: My time in the red guard, by Wu Wenguang, 1993
  19. Limits of the earth, by Duan Jinchuan, 1997
  20. Demolition and reubication, by Zhang Yuan, 1998
  21. Public Spaces, by Jia Zhangke, 2000
  22. Street Life, by Zhao Dayong, 2006
  23. Fengming: A Chinese Memoir, by Wang Bing, 2007
  24. 60, by Zhang Ming, 2009
  25. Disorder, by Huang weikai, 2009